
5 Parenting Tips and Dare to Share Saturday

Here we are with another week under our belts.  Summer is right on the horizon, not that you'd know it by the Spring Snowstorm Colorado is getting right now, but I have hope that means it's coming, eventually.

Since we are spending most of our summer moving and possibly in a hotel, I am a little worried about how my kids are going to take it.  They did rather well the last time we moved and lived at the Hampton Inn for 60 days, but now my younger two are older and crazier.  So I'm kind of worried.

It's a good thing you guys had so many great parenting posts last week.  I could really use them right now.  In case you missed them, here are 5 parenting tips and this week's Dare to Share Saturday.

How to Get your Sensory Child to Sleep by The Jenny Evolution

The Complete Guide to Starting Solids by Lynzy and Co

10 Empowering Ideas to Parent a Toddler by Snotty Noses

Raising a Right Brain Child by Bluebird Beginnings

When Good Parenting Advice is Bull by Stay at Home Yogi

My friend and co-host Pam is also doing some fun parenting this week.  It's her son's birthday this week and she's reminiscing on some of their parties.  Have you seen them?  That's how she and I met, I was ogling one of her parties and just had to contact her.  Check out these Garden Parties and Flower Cupcakes.  Aren't they almost too fun to eat?

I can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!

Stick With It Team Treat Printable

 Encourage your team to stick with it through the end of the season with this Team Treat printable.  Using a pack of cinnamon gum and this free printable, you're team will be excited to do well on their next game.

 Encourage your team to stick with it through the end of the season with this Team Treat printable.  Using a pack of cinnamon gum and this free printable, you're team will be excited to do well on their next game.

We are over the hump of the middle of the season and only have a few games left.  Our team has done REALLY well this season and we just lost our first game last weekend.  (Guess they weren't inspired by the Pop Rocks?)

But the boys are in a bit of a slump.  A few have stopped coming to practice and it's like pulling teeth right now.  I am hoping it's either just the momentum loss from the game last weekend or the mid season slump, but we need to figure out a way to inspire the boys to keep going and do their best.

So this week's team treat printable is geared towards that goal.

 Encourage your team to stick with it through the end of the season with this Team Treat printable.  Using a pack of cinnamon gum and this free printable, you're team will be excited to do well on their next game.

The treat is based on some Cinnamon flavored gum sticks.  The printable reads "Stick With Us. We think your game is RED HOT."

 Encourage your team to stick with it through the end of the season with this Team Treat printable.  Using a pack of cinnamon gum and this free printable, you're team will be excited to do well on their next game.
Be sure to check out all of the Team Mom Ideas!

 Encourage your team to stick with it through the end of the season with this Team Treat printable.  Using a pack of cinnamon gum and this free printable, you're team will be excited to do well on their next game.

Tips to Plan a Party Like Martha

Use these tips, tricks, and resources to plan a party that would make Martha Stewart proud.  It's not as hard as you think when you rely on the expertise of those around you.  Check out these ideas to take your party from "fun" to "spectacular."
Use these tips, tricks, and resources to plan a party that would make Martha Stewart proud.  It's not as hard as you think when you rely on the expertise of those around you.  Check out these ideas to take your party from "fun" to "spectacular."

There's something about attending a well thrown party that is special.  It's a feeling that you get that brings joy to every one in attendance and a memory that you store away forever. 

As moms, throwing spectacular parties is a dream come true.  We want our kids to remember each and every special occasion in a fun way, but throwing a party like Martha Stewart can be quite a chore.

So today, I have some great tips, tricks, and resources to help you plan a party like Martha.

1. Pick a theme

The most elaborate and simple parties all start with the same thing -- a theme.  Ask yourself why you want to throw a party?  Who is the party for?  Who will come to the party? Sometimes it's a simple reason such as a birthday party or a baby shower, other times it can be a little more complicated such as a Book Club get together or a dinner party.  Choose a fun theme that relates well to your party goals.  This will give you an easy way to direct your party, decorations, and desserts.

2. Set a Budget

Decide now how much you want to spend on your party.  This does not necessarily mean you have to have a big budget to throw an amazing party, but by deciding before you start planning the details, you are more likely to be able to stay on track and know how much of the party you will need to DIY or ask for help on.

When you set your budget, be sure to think realistically about it.  You must be willing to make a budget and STICK to it.  If this is not your area of expertise, then you might try looking for help.  Shannon Brown at Growing Slower has a great How to Budget e course that will teach you how to make a budget and stick to it, at last!

Having a small budget does not mean that you have to have a small party.  Just know that you may have to make some things yourself.  But at least that's super easy with books like Easy Homemade by Mandi Ehman  She's found that making things from scratch -- even the things we typically buy without even considering that we could make them at home -- is actually pretty easy and time saving.

Whatever you do, set a real budget and stick to it.  You'll be happier in the end when you don't have to pay off huge bills for a party that was weeks ago.

3. Get organized

Once you have your theme and know your budget, it's time to get organized.  You need to know what items you have, what items you need, and what you need to make.  It doesn't do any good to know you have paper plates "somewhere in the garage".  You need to know that the kids haven't used them for pizza on date night or that you used the last one when you threw the last birthday party.

Kayln Brooke at Creative Savings Blog has a great printable workbook to help you get organized enough to know what you have and what you don't.  Her book A Modern Girls Guide to Homemaking tackles the most important areas of every household. Through various prompts and questions, you will be taken on a journey through what homemaking looks for your family, no matter your size or schedule.

Once you are organized, it's helpful to start with a clean slate in your house.  This will make you want to create more and give you more energy to see the perfect party in your home and head.  Cleaning Around the Seasons by Becky of Clean Mama will help you get your house deep cleaned in whatever time you have, whether it is in a day or a month.  That way you'll feel productive and energized to throw your party.

Use these tips, tricks, and resources to plan a party that would make Martha Stewart proud.  It's not as hard as you think when you rely on the expertise of those around you.  Check out these ideas to take your party from "fun" to "spectacular."

4. Plan your Party Food

Now it's time to get into the nitty gritty of your party planning.  Since you already have your theme, you need to decide what kind of party you want.  Are you going to have a full sit down dinner party, a food buffet, or a dessert table?  Each of these brings different types of food needs.

If you are having a dinner party, you might consider having a crock pot meal for dinner.  This will allow you not to have to be in the kitchen all day of the party and instead be out finishing touches on your party plans.  There are a lot of different Pinterest Crock Pot recipe boards as well as a great e recipe book by Jordan Page called 81 Quick and Easy Favorite Slow Cooker Recipes.  If you are having a food buffet, slow cooker recipes are great for that too.  There are lots of recipes for dips, appetizers and small meals that can be adapted.

A dessert or treat table is one of the easiest ways to create a spectacular party.  It's easy and fun to choose some colored treats or store bought items that your party guests will love and rename them to go along with your theme.  This is one of my favorite ways to create a themed dessert table.   You can also add printables or designs to store bought treats for an easy addition.  Lastly you can find some easy and fun treats to add, like these 25 Sweet Treats for Summer by Back to The Book Nutrition.

5. Create your Party Decorations and Favors

One of the easiest ways to create a spectacular party is to have beautiful party decorations and fun favors.  There are many wonderful places to buy decorations such as Amazon, Shindigz, and Oriental Trading.  You can get decorations for any theme at relatively good prices. 

It's super easy to create your own though.  Pinterest is swarming with party decorations and ideas.  Kandy Kreations also has lots of ideas and free printables to help.  And there are many ebooks and resources to help.  Thinking Outside the Gift Box by Lauren Lanker, Plan a Fabulous Party (without losing your mind) by Mary Carver, and A Deliberate Mother’s Guide to Holidays, Vacations and Quality Family Timeby Saren Loosli are just a few ebooks to help.

If you're feeling like you need some help being creative, you can check out Jumpstart Your Creativityby Jennie Moraitis at Little Girl Designs. This course is designed to take you from reflection to action in just seven days. Consider it your own personal retreat curriculum. Your own "me" time to reassess and create space for creative transformation.
6. Ask for Help

As women and moms, sometimes we feel like we have to do it all.  It's so much easier to just do everything by ourselves.  That way we can make sure it gets done correctly and on time.  But that also increases our stress level and sometimes can make things less spectacular. 

We have friends who have different talents than we do.  Not all my friends love to craft and DIY, but some of them are way better cooks than I am.  I'm not very good at being the center of attention, so I rely on my husband's talent of public speaking and being the "front man."  Instead of being annoyed that I asked him for help, my husband feels like we're a team in things and it actually helps our marriage. 

This is one thing that has helped both our marriage and my party planning projects.  The Magic Cake: The Seven Ingredients of a Relationship-Ready Person is a book that can help us to become a better person and help us become more confident and amazing in our party planning projects.

7. Relax

Throwing a spectacular party can be super stressful at times.  It actually helps to take a break from the party planning and take a few moments to remember you are throwing the party and what you hope to accomplish by it.

While you are stepping back, enjoy a few moments to pamper yourself.  Adult coloring books are a great way to stop, meditate, and enjoy a few moments of peace.  Inspire Me is a great adult coloring book to help you do this.

You could also get a message from your spouse and enjoy a little time together.  Or enjoy the 7 days of Sex Challenge or 30 days of Loving Your Man.  That's a great way to relax and treat yourself for all your hard work.

8. Enjoy the Party

You've done made your plan, you've stuck to your budget, and you've put it all together, so now enjoy the party.  Get out of the kitchen.  Stop running around trying to add more last minute projects.  Enjoy your guests and the spectacular party you worked so hard to create.

Lots of Resources and Help

I've shared a lot of resources and help within this post.  Party planning is hard work.  Take advantage of those who have experience and have written great courses and ebooks to help you succeed.

The individual books and course I shared can cost you a LOT of money if you buy them seperaqtely.  But for a limited time, I have found a way for you to plan a party like Martha for only $29.99.  You can get all the books listed in this post plus so many more with the 2016 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle.

See all the courses, ebooks, freebies, and printables you can get here.

If you hurry and order it before 12:00 EST tonight, you also get all these books as ebook options to read on your kindle.  (That's normally $10.00 extra.)  I love to read on my kindle and so it's the perfect option to plan your party when you're waiting in the carpool line.

ROBOTS-4-U Summer Camp and Savings Code

Keep your kids learning this summer by attending ROBOTS-4-U Summer Camp.  This is a hands on, work at your own pace camp that keeps kids learning about engineering, robots, and science in a fun atmosphere.  Plus get 55% off with a special code.
Keep your kids learning this summer by attending ROBOTS-4-U Summer Camp.  This is a hands on, work at your own pace camp that keeps kids learning about engineering, robots, and science in a fun atmosphere.  Plus get 55% off with a special code.

Our most favorite day of the school week these days is Wednesday.  My son goes to a Math and Science technology school and is in the Gifted and Talented Education program at that school.  On Wednesdays, the kids get to play with electronic Legos and make all kinds of fun robots.

Mini Me LOVES it.  He actually gets to stay after school and play even longer and that always puts him in a great mood.  I love it.  He loves it.  His brother loves it (that means he doesn't come home looking for a fight.)

With summer coming, we lose a lot of that enthusiasm and the fun of creating robots.  It's not something I am looking forward to.

Luckily, I stumbled across ROBOTS-4-U Summer Camp.  And now I'm super excited again.

Keep your kids learning this summer by attending ROBOTS-4-U Summer Camp.  This is a hands on, work at your own pace camp that keeps kids learning about engineering, robots, and science in a fun atmosphere.  Plus get 55% off with a special code.

The Robot Camp is a week long experience that runs Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 11:30 am and 12:00 to 3:00 pm.  The campers get a hands on learning experience while playing with robotics, science, and engineering. 

I get even more excited the more I think about how he can have a G.A.T.E. experience all day for a whole week long.  How awesome is that for a summer camp?

If you have a child between the ages of 7 and 14 who loves to play and learn, you should definitely check out ROBOTS-4-U Summer Camp in Denver.  Each Camper uses their INDIVIDUAL ROBOTICS or DYNAMIC ART Kit.  These robot kits do not go home with campers but are available for purchase! So you can take the learning and fun home with you if you want.

What's even better is MY READERS RECEIVE 55% Off Robotics Science Summer Camps! Use Code: USF1550r at checkout and bring the learning fun to your kid's summer.

Keep your kids learning this summer by attending ROBOTS-4-U Summer Camp.  This is a hands on, work at your own pace camp that keeps kids learning about engineering, robots, and science in a fun atmosphere.  Plus get 55% off with a special code.

Emoticon Smiley Face Kiss Label Free Printable

Have a sweet day with these Hershey kiss labels with emoticon smiley faces.  Add these kisses to your chocolate treats for a fun party dessert or just to make your kids smile today. 
Have a sweet day with these Hershey kiss labels with emoticon smiley faces.  Add these kisses to your chocolate treats for a fun party dessert or just to make your kids smile this summer.
I know so many of us are out and about this summer creating memories with our kids.  Who has the time to play on the computer much with kids home from school, summer vacation plans, and our summer bucket lists to complete?

I know I have so many plans and ideas so I'm going to be trying something new this summer.  I thought we'd have a little fun by celebrating June with 30 days of free printables.

I'm starting with some Heshey kiss labels featuring some fun smiley face emoticons.

These kiss labels would be a great way to dress up a fun treat for a party or just a way to put a little smile on your kids' faces.

To use these labels, save, print, and add to the bottom of some Hershey kiss labels.  You can find full instructions (as well as another free kiss printable) here.

See all 30 Days of Free Printables

Get these (and other free printables) delivered to your Inbox

Shop for More Great Party Printables

3 Spring Cleaning Tips and Dare to Share Saturday

I'm home from Utah and back in the swing of things.  Now it's time to start getting ready for our move to South Carolina.  I am so not ready for this.  So much to do and just a few weeks to do it in.

One of the things that needs to be done is a deep "spring" cleaning.  I need to get myself organized and cleaned up enough that the movers can even make it into my garage and house.  So I was super excited to see all the great spring cleaning tips that you guys shared last week.

In case you missed them, be sure to check out these 5 spring cleaning tips and then stick around for Dare to Share Saturday.

Carpet and Upholstery Freshner by Clean and Scentsible

Spring Cleaning Tips for Outside Your Home by Oh My Creative

My friend and co-host is also back and having fun on her blog.  With all the jungle movies out right now, she has started sharing some great ideas for a jungle party. 

I can't wait to see what you've been up to this week.

You Rock Team Treat Printable

Treat your team to a sweet treat with this Good Luck Pop Rock printable.  Using some candy and a little bit of fun, you can rock your team really easy and wish them Good Luck for their weekend games.
Treat your team to a sweet treat with this Good Luck Pop Rock printable.  Using some candy and a little bit of fun, you can rock your team really easy and wish them Good Luck for their weekend games.

After being gone last week and having some one else hand out our team treats, I am super excited to get back into the fun of being the Team Mom of my son's soccer team.  I really enjoy being with the boys and wishing them luck each week.

It worked out in the end, because last weekend's game was postponed due to a spring snow storm.  So I didn't end up missing any of the games.

Treat your team to a sweet treat with this Good Luck Pop Rock printable.  Using some candy and a little bit of fun, you can rock your team really easy and wish them Good Luck for their weekend games.

This week's team treat is using some cherry Pop Rock candies and a free bag topper printable.  Simply right click on the team treat printable below and save to your computer.  Print out the picture on to card stock and cut into strips.  Fold the strips in half with the "you rock" on the front and staple on to the top of a package of Pop Rocks for an easy and fun way to wish your team good luck this weekend.

Treat your team to a sweet treat with this Good Luck Pop Rock printable.  Using some candy and a little bit of fun, you can rock your team really easy and wish them Good Luck for their weekend games.

Be sure to check out all the free printables in our Team Treat series.  And don't forget to share this post with your favorite Team Mom or save it to your pinterest board for when you need to be team mom!

Bar None Granola Bar

Toxic Waste Don't Waste It

Lucky Charms Treat

Tootsie Roll Competition

Treat your team to a sweet treat with this Good Luck Pop Rock printable.  Using some candy and a little bit of fun, you can rock your team really easy and wish them Good Luck for their weekend games.

Disney Parks First Birthday Party Share

Celebrate a first birthday with a fun Disney parks birthday party.  With elements of all your favorite Disneyland and Disneyworld features, this party is bright, beautiful, and full of fun.
Celebrate a first birthday with a fun Disney parks birthday party.  With elements of all your favorite Disneyland and Disneyworld features, this party is bright, beautiful, and full of fun.

First birthday parties are a fun way to celebrate your little one's year milestone.  But picking a theme, is never very easy.  And then what direction do you take the party in?

It's easy to say you want a Disney party, but that doesn't narrow things down much.  But to have a birthday party based on the Disney parks with a little bit of fun from every Disney movie is such a brilliant idea.

Check out this amazing first birthday party by Daniel Moises over at Babble.

The Lion King gummy worm treats at a Disney Parks first Birthday party.

The dessert bar and party treats are a definite highlight on this party.  Daniel chose to feature treats from the Muppets and from so many points of interest in the Disney parks.  The gummy worms are a great way to feature The Lion King, while there are also treats featuring Mickey Mouse, Alice in Wonderland, and Epcot travels.

Use stuffed animals of your favorite Disney characters as photo props at a Disney birthday party.

I'm not sure you'll actually find Kermit the Frog at Disney parks, but what a fun photo booth idea.  Just grab some of your favorite Disney stuffed animals and a cute backdrop for a great party game idea.

Go check out this beautiful Disney Parks birthday party over on Babble and see all the wonderful inspiration, the bright colors, and the sweet Disney party treats.

10 Disney Autograph Book DIYs

Collect and save your Disney Character Autographs in a fun way with these 10 DIY Autograph Projects by some of your favorite bloggers.
Collect and save your Disney Character Autographs in a fun way with these 10 DIY Autograph Projects by some of your favorite bloggers.
I admit that I haven't gone to Disney in years and when I did collecting autographs wasn't really on my radar.  But as I am getting ready to go again, I think it would be fun to do pictures with all the Disney Characters.  (hmmm...wonder if my boys would agree.)

But I think half the fun of collecting the Autographs is showing them off later.  So I found 10 Disney Autograph DIY projects to save and show off Disney Characters.

Disney Autograph Book by Not In Jersey

Disney Jr Encyclopedia of Animated Characters Autograph Book by WDW Hints

Disney Autograph Book with Quotes and Free Printables by R&R Workshop

Disney DIY Autograph Book by Seven Thirty Three

Mickey Mouse Ears Autograph Book by PPbN Designs

Disney Autograph Quote Quilt by Disney Addict Andrea

Vinylmation as an Autograph Book at Couponing to Disney

Unfinished Wood Letter as an Autograph Book

Poloroid as Autograph Book

Autograph Picture Frame Mat