
Fabulous Fifties Party Guide

My father in law is getting old.  (Yea, you can tell him I said that.)  We have a fun, teasing relationship that started when I was 13.  So, I can tease him that he's getting old this year, VERY old.

So they are throwing him a suprise birthday party (Shhhhh....don't tell him that.  I'm pretty sure he doesn't read my blog, so I think we're okay.)  The theme of the party is the Fabulous Fifties with Sock Hops and Soda Fountains.  It's gonna be a Rockin' Party.

Since I've been asked to help out with some fun details of the party, I am going to share my preperations for our Blog party theme this next two weeks.  I hope that I can materialize half the great ideas that are in my head.  We'll have to see.

Usually today is my day to share a gift guide with other small business men and women on Etsy.  I'm not anti-Etsy, despite our little disagreement.  I actually went and tried to put together a gift guide.  There was a suprising lack of Fifties themed party items there.

So instead, I'm going to share a few items I found around the web this weekend while Blog surfing for ideas.

I just LOVE these Pink Paper Staws from HeyYoYo's Etsy shop.  I know these straws are very HOT at lots of parties this season.  I can't wait to add these to some Coke bottles or glasses for my dinner table.

I think this 50s Diner Soda Shop Fun Room is pretty cool from Shindigz.  While they aren't a small business really, I love that they are family owned and run.  This room would be great as a scene setter for behind our desert table or in our dinning room with the table.

I think this Fifties Car Prop from DND-shop's Ebay store would be awesome to have as a photo booth at the party. 

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