
Shindig Saturday Weekly Linky Party #45

I've been a little slow in creating posts this week.  Hubby came home from 2 weeks away last Friday and that night I came down with the crud my kids have been fighting forever.  Great welcome home, huh?

So I've spent much of the past week in bed.  I've had no energy to do much of anything...

But my brain has been working overtime.  I've come up with LOTS of fun ideas (I hope it's true and not just my delirium talking) for my soccer party though, just haven't had any energy to work on them.

Hopefully, my energy is coming back.  So I'll be extra fruitful this next week and be able to share all the fun with you.

What have you been doing this week?

Show us your newest party or fun creations by sharing your favorite party themed craft, table scape, photo, favor, or whatever! I'm pretty flexible since just about everything can be used at a party...that's the great thing about us moms! We can see the potential in ANYTHING!

Linky Party Guidelines:
* Link up to your OWN project post, not just your blog, but your actual post. (We want to see it!)
*Grab a Shindig Saturday button for your post or blog page. (Hey, it benefits us all!)
*Stay and enjoy the party by visiting and commenting on other's projects. (It's fun to mix and mingle!)

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