
Happy New Year and Dare to Share

I'm still on vacation with my family for the holiday.

Its cold and wet and we've been iced in for about 4 days now.  (It's a good thing I like my family so much or we'd all be going crazy I think!)  I admit, it's been pretty nice just relaxing and enjoying not having to go anywhere or do anything.

But I'll be honest, I haven't had much of a chance to get on the computer.  My laptop crashed (again) just after we got here and it looks like I'll be buying a new one when I get home.  (sigh)  So this is really the first time I've been able to get online all week.

So while I've been enjoying looking at your posts, I haven't been able to comment or share many of them.  I am terribly sorry for the bad hostess that I've been.  I know Pam has been doing a wonderful job, so I do hope you'll check out all her posts this week in her Feature of the Day posts.

I admit I am looking forward to heading home this weekend and hopefully getting back to my regularly scheduled life.  So I hope you'll share lots of great projects that we can incorporate into our New Years goals and schedules!

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