
Superhero Gum Head Party Favor: New in Store

Invite these little superheroes to your next birthday party for a personalized party favor that all your guests will love. The complete directions and all the printables are included for you to make your own at your next Superman or superhero party.
Invite these little superheroes to your next birthday party for a personalized party favor that all your guests will love. The complete directions and all the printables are included for you to make your own at your next Superman or superhero party.

If you've been around a while, you guys know that I'm addicted to making these gum head party favors...well, that and the candy bag toppers.  I don't know what it is about these little guys but I think they are super cute and can attend any party without a lot of "dress up" time.

I mean seriously, how cute are these little guys?  All dressed up in their boots, cape, and superhero emblem?

I think the "big guy" would be proud.

Invite these little superheroes to your next birthday party for a personalized party favor that all your guests will love. The complete directions and all the printables are included for you to make your own at your next Superman or superhero party.

These little party favors, along with all the complete instructions are new in the store today.

Superman Alphabet

You can personalize these little heroes with your own letters and numbers.  So if it's your little one's 11th birthday, you can add the emblem for "11" on each of the superheroes' chest, or you can add the first letter to each party guest's name.  The personalization is up to you, especially with an extra blank emblem.

You can find this little superhero with all his directions to make your own party favor in our online store here.

Invite these little superheroes to your next birthday party for a personalized party favor that all your guests will love. The complete directions and all the printables are included for you to make your own at your next Superman or superhero party.

We've also added these other fun items to the store this week:

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