
Adventure Awaits Candy Bar Wrapper Printable

Celebrate a wonderful adventure with this candy bar wrapper that would be perfect for so many parties.  You can give it out as a good bye gift for school's end, you can give it as a graduation thank you, you can give it as a birthday party thank you, or just about anything.  I love that it's so versatile.
Celebrate a wonderful adventure with this candy bar wrapper that would be perfect for so many parties.  You can give it out as a good bye gift for school's end, you can give it as a graduation thank you, you can give it as a birthday party thank you, or just about anything.  I love that it's so versatile.

My brain is on complete over load right now.  I have so much happening in the next few days that I need to get my rear in gear and get the party plans set and out of the way.  I seem to be only making one step a day towards completion, but at least there's that.  (This is real world party planning, right?)

I am trying to stay away from chocolate for the most part at this party since it will be during the hot memorial day weekend, but all of my kids' friends no me as the chocolate lady, so I knew I needed to have one last candy bar and wrapper as our goodbye party favor.

So I'm sharing this Adventure awaits candy bar wrapper with you.  You can see the video of how I wrap my candy bars here.  The foils that I use are here.  Go ahead and save the candy bar wrapper and print it out on to Kodak picture paper for a good quality print. 

If you aren't throwing a goodbye party, this candy bar wrapper would be a great thank you to so many other different party ideas.  You can give it out as a good bye gift for school's end, you can give it as a graduation thank you, you can give it as a birthday party thank you, or just about anything.  I love that it's so versatile.

Single Wrapper

Double Wrapper

Let me know if you make these!  I'd love to see them!

Celebrate a wonderful adventure with this candy bar wrapper that would be perfect for so many parties.  You can give it out as a good bye gift for school's end, you can give it as a graduation thank you, you can give it as a birthday party thank you, or just about anything.  I love that it's so versatile.

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