
The Most Addictive Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches EVER

Beat the heat this summer with these addictive Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches.  You won't be able to stop eating them and enjoying the rich flavors and cool textures.  You can print the Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich recipe here and make these delicious desserts all summer long.
Beat the heat this summer with these addictive Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches.  You won't be able to stop eating them and enjoying the rich flavors and cool textures.  You can print the Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich recipe here and make these delicious desserts all summer long.

One of the greatest joys of having a house again, is the oven.  While living at the hotel was nice and we did have a lot of amenities, we really missed being able to bake.  I know we are a little too addicted to sweets, but it's one of the joys in our life and we missed it.

So the other day, we were baking chocolate chip cookies.  We love these cookies.  I've shared the recipe as a printable at the bottom of the page, if you are looking to try a new chocolate chip cookie recipe, but it's been my experience that most people like their "family recipe" and don't want to try new ones.

I like our recipe because it has oats in it, so the cookie has some texture and interest when you bite in to it.  But I know everyone is different.

Anyway, we were making cookies and the Daredevil (my 15 year old son as he's known here) decided we weren't making cookies fast enough.  So he dug out the ice cream scoop and proceeded to make cookies that were the size of our fist. 

Beat the heat this summer with these addictive Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches.  You won't be able to stop eating them and enjoying the rich flavors and cool textures.  You can print the Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich recipe here and make these delicious desserts all summer long.

I admit, I was a bit dubious as to how they would turn out, but after a few timing errors, we got the cookie to come out soft, gooey and delicious.  While we were eating them, we had to open the milk and get out the ice cream as a celebration.

You can imagine what happened from there.  These cookies that are GINORMOUS were turned into ice cream sandwiches.

You're probably thinking, duh.  But we had never done that before.  Why?  Who the heck knows?  But I'm slapping myself now, because we are totally addicted to these things.  They are like manna from heaven around here.  (And so I only managed to get one saved to take pictures of.)

They were super easy to make as you may imagine.

Beat the heat this summer with these addictive Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches.  You won't be able to stop eating them and enjoying the rich flavors and cool textures.  You can print the Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich recipe here and make these delicious desserts all summer long.

We took our favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe (but I imagine you can use it for just about any cookie type) and used a regular ice cream scoop to dish out 6 mounds of cookie dough on to a cookie sheet.  Cook in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

With our recipe, the dough will be set around the edges but slightly mushy in the center.  This makes them super soft and as they cool they will set up with no problems.

Allow the cookies to cool and then scoop 1 to 2 scoops of your favorite ice cream flavor on to one of the upside down cookies.  Place another cookie on top and mush down enough to secure the cookies and ice cream together.

Beat the heat this summer with these addictive Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches.  You won't be able to stop eating them and enjoying the rich flavors and cool textures.  You can print the Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich recipe here and make these delicious desserts all summer long.

Now enjoy, and don't blame me if you become completely addicted to these during the summer heat.  Especially since it means you don't have to go buy the over priced treats at the store or through the Ice Cream truck.  You can enjoy them anytime, even when the kids are asleep as a late night snack!

Here's my Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, the Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe, and a double printable in case you use a 1/2 page recipe binder like I do.  (FYI, one of the double recipes is up side down because this allows me to have the white paper edge on the side that I poke the holes through when I bind my recipes.  It's just a way to make it a little prettier.)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Recipe Card Prints

Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

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