
Guess the Disney Movie Kiss Game

Have a little extra fun this Valentine's day, Disney party,  or on your next date night with this video movie game.  See if you can guess all 20 of the Disney movies by their kissing couples.
Have a little extra fun this Valentine's day, Disney party,  or on your next date night with this video movie game.  See if you can guess all 20 of the Disney movies by their kissing couples.
This weekend we are having our Valentine's day party.  It's going to have a Disney kiss theme to it.  (I just love Disney, don't you?) 

In planning for the party, I came up with a few games for the guests to play in between our dinner courses. 

Snow White Table Decorations DIY

We'll have a pre-opener game when the guests arrive where they are given a Disney character (on their back where they can't see) and they have to ask other guests yes and no questions to figure out who their character is.  Each of the characters will be related to a decorated table of that movie and once they figure out who their character is, they will know what table they sit at for the evening.  This should help new people to get together more and get the guests talking.

Between the salad and main course, we'll have a list with all the Disney love songs.  Guests have to figure out which song is from which movie.

Lastly, between the main course and dessert, I've planned a video game so the guests have a little time to digest before dessert.  This game has 20 Disney movie kisses.  Guests need to figure out which movie the kiss is from.

I can't wait for all the fun.  If you want to join in too, here's the video game of our Guess the Disney Movie kiss game.

The answers to the game are:

1. Lady and the Trap
2. Tangled (Rapunzel)
3. Sleeping Beauty
4. Wall-E
5. Enchanted
6. Frozen
7. Tarzan
8. The Little Mermaid
9. The Black Cauldron
10. Hercules
11. Rattatuoi
12. Pirates of the Caribbean
13. Aladdin
14. Wreck it Ralph
15. Princess and the Frog
16. Snow White
17. Beauty and the Beast
18. The Lion King
19. Star Wars
20. Cinderella

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