
Summer Beach Party

Celebrate Summer by going to the beach! Which is in your own backyard, party room, or wherever with this relaxing summer beach party.  You'll find lots of beach party ideas and tutorials to make your next party a relaxing fun time.
Celebrate Summer by going to the beach! Which is in your own backyard, party room, or wherever with this relaxing summer beach party.  You'll find lots of beach party ideas and tutorials to make your next party a relaxing fun time.

We only have one week left of school.  Okay, it's not really even a full week.  We have off for Memorial day, then the kids go back for a day, then they have two HALF days, and then they are off.  What's with that?

Just get it over with already.  We are ALL ready for summer already!

So of course, we had to get in the summer mood, by throwing a pre-summer beach party this week.

It is time to think about Sandcastles, beach waves, tiki huts, and relaxing with a cool drink in your hand.

Celebrate Summer by going to the beach! Which is in your own backyard, party room, or wherever with this relaxing summer beach party.  You'll find lots of beach party ideas and tutorials to make your next party a relaxing fun time.

We had our beach party in a friend's backyard which was so beautiful and really put the guests in the relaxing mood.

I built a tiki hut out of a 8 foot portable table, the PVC pipe from my DIY photo booth, some large posterboard, and a few green table cloths.

How to Make a Tiki Hut out of PVC Pipe by Everyday Parties

The tiki hut is built with 4-- 6 foot PVC pipe pieces (or 12 extra 2 foot pieces and 8 connectors), 6-- 2 foot PVC pipe pieces, and 4-- 1 foot PVC pipe pieces.  I like to cut my pipe into 2 foot pieces so I can store it in a plastic container and use it to build whatever type of backdrop that I need.

I taped 2 pieces of green poster board together at the top and layed them across the top part of my PVC Pipe Tiki hut.  This created a base to secure my fringe table cloths to.  They layed over the top and came just over the edge pieces of pipe to secure the in a tent shape.  It wasn't very windy the day we did our party, so I didn't worry about them blowing off, but you might want to consider taping them if that's a problem where you are.

For the fringe, I cut 4 green dollar store tablecloths into 3 equal pieces.  I folded the cut pieces in half so they fit about the size of one of the poster board widths.  Then I cut the tablecloth into fringe pieces about 3/4 inch wide.  I glued the first piece of fringe tablecloth so it hung with about 3 inches off the edge of the poster board.  Gluing plastic is pretty tricky so be very careful, or just be safe and use packing tape.

Then I secured the next piece of fringe table cloth a few inches above the first.  I repeated that until I had 4 pieces of fringe on one piece of poster board.  I did the same thing for the next two pieces of board.  It was a little time consuming, but gave me a beautiful, full, tiki hut roof for only a few dollars.

Sand Castle Dessert Display by Everyday Parties

In the front of my table, I did break down and buy a raffia table skirt. It really didn't fit our table, and I hated the way it hung off the sides, but I guess that's what happens when you don't DIY everything and rely on the packaging in planning until the true party set up.  Oh well.

In the center of our table, I created a sandcastle dessert display for the cheesecake bites we bought from Sams Club.  I just took old boxes from around the house and cut them into a sand castle shape.  Then I covered them with a glittery card stock that I purchased from Walmart in the craft section.   I found the shells at Dollar Tree in the craft area. 

I used little plates to cut edges into the boxes to make castle towers.  In between the plates are small bubble containers that I got 3 for $1.00 at Dollar Tree.  I wrapped them in the same glitter paper so they looked like part of the sand castle display.

On top of the castle and on each of the tower plates, we placed the individually wrapped cheesecake bites.

Celebrate Summer by going to the beach! Which is in your own backyard, party room, or wherever with this relaxing summer beach party.  You'll find lots of beach party ideas and tutorials to make your next party a relaxing fun time.

We made two types of yummy fruit punch to go in our ever present drink containers (yes, I use them at all my parties.)  The cups for the drinks were the Sand Pail Cups and Shovel Straw Toppers that I shared the printables for.

We had lots of fruit at the party and put some in clear cups in front of the sand castle and more in bowls to the other side.  There's just something about this time of year that makes me want to have fruit EVERYTHING. 

Summer Beach Party Favors by Everyday Parties

On the outer edges of both sides of the food, we had our summer beach party favors.  We made up several of the Summer Survival Kit printables for each of the guests' to take home.  Plus, we made some Lavender Bath Salts with the Private Island quote printed into tags for the front.

Celebrate Summer by going to the beach! Which is in your own backyard, party room, or wherever with this relaxing summer beach party.  You'll find lots of beach party ideas and tutorials to make your next party a relaxing fun time.

Now, we are ready for summer.  Despite whatever the school says!

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