
Don't Compare the Sun and the Moon Printable Quote

"Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time." Use this free printable quote to help you remember to be happy with your shine this month and on into the holiday season.
"Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time." Use this free printable quote to help you remember to be happy with your shine this month and on into the holiday season. #printablequote #diypartymomblog #compare #quote

They say that "comparison is the thief of joy" and "thou shalt not hanker after they brother's stuff" (cowboy 10 commandments)

I know that's true.  But lately, it's been a little hard for me.

Have you ever found yourself reading online income reports and saying "Wow! Why can't I do that?" or be looking at party pictures on Instagram and compare your parties to the "big guys"?

It's been a slight problem for me lately.

I know I'm not in those circles.  My goal is not to spend $10,000 on a baby shower or a 1st birthday party.  That's just not who I am.  I am not going to create thousand dollar parties that make other moms want to spend money.

My goal is absolutely the opposite.  I want you to have an amazing party without spending a ton of money.  If that means simpler party decorations or party favors, then so be it.

And I'm happy with my stuff.  I'm happy with my ideas.  I'm happy trying to help other frugal moms try to DIY their parties and family fun.

"Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time." Use this free printable quote to help you remember to be happy with your shine this month and on into the holiday season.  #printablequote #encouragingquote #diypartymomblog #camparison

But that doesn't mean I don't fall into that comparison trap sometimes.

Whether it's comparing blog sites, party ideas, family time fun, house designs, or goal this month is to stop comparing.

So instead I'm going to focus on the quote

"Don't compare your life to others. 
There's no comparison between the sun and the moon.  
They shine when it's their time."

That is going to be my mantra this month.  And so I'm going to print this out and put it beside my bed.  I'm going to use it as my Facebook cover photo.  And I'm going to use it as my phone wallpaper.

I want to invite you to get ready for the holidays and for all the craziness in the next few months by practicing "no comparison" this month.  Shine in your own your own time.

Let's be happy with us.

Here are several different prints so you can print this quote for your life.

What kind of things are you comparing in your life? How do you make yourself stop and enjoy you and your accomplishments?

1 comment:

  1. Now there is a great and useful quote for sure.
    Such a waste of time and life when we compare ourselves to others.
    Thanks for sharing it,
    Blessings, Nellie
