
Friends to Lovers Romance Books to Enjoy

Enjoy a good romance with your best friend as friends turn into lovers in these twelve Friends to Lovers Books.
Enjoy a good romance with your best friend as friends turn into lovers in these twelve Friends to Lovers Books.
I guess I'm on a friends kick right now.  I had a friend over and we watched way too many episodes of Friends quoting lines and laughing hard.

So of course, when I was looking for something new to read, I decided to look into books that featured friends turning into lovers.  After all, who doesn't enjoy a good romance with friends and lovers?

Break Away
by Heather M Orgeron

Kindle Unlimited Read
Audible Version Available

I fell in love with my best friend but he didn't love me back.
Sounds like a cheesy line from a country song, right? Too bad it's the story of my life.

I thought that I’d moved on, swore he was the one.
But that facade began to fade in the flash of a half-carat diamond ring.
Now years later, here I am, running back to the boy who broke my adolescent heart, hoping that just maybe, he’ll be the one to piece it back together.
I fell in love with my best friend while she fell in love with him.
Ironically, it was my own damn fault. I practically served her up on a silver platter.
So I turned to my second love, basketball, moving across the country to escape.
For years, I’ve been sitting on the sidelines watching, waiting.

Now it's time to make my move.
No more fouling out.
This time, I'm going to score.

Sincerely, Carter
by Whitney G

Kindle Unlimited Read
Audible Version Available

Just friends.
We’re just friends.
No, really. She’s just my best friend... 

Arizona Turner has been my best friend since fourth grade, even when we “hated” each other. We’ve been there for one another through first kisses, first “times,” and we’ve been each other’s constant when good relationships turned bad. (We even went to colleges that were minutes away from each other…)

Throughout the years, and despite what anyone says, we’ve never crossed the line.

Never thought about it.
Never wanted to.

Until one night changed everything.
At least, it should’ve ...

Just friends.
We’re just friends.
I’m only saying this until I figure out if she’s still “just” my best friend…

Once Friends
by ZL Arkadie

I never thought I’d see Jay West outside my TV screen ever again. We first met when he was eleven and I was ten. Our older sisters forced us to play together while they ran upstairs to make unsolicited phone calls to cute boys. Finally, Jay asked me what was the name of the puppet I was holding in my hands. 

I hung my head, embarrassed by what my sister called my perpetual state of geekdom and said, “Skinny Pig.”

He said, “cool!” And from that moment on we became best friends forever—or at least I thought.

Years later I developed boobs and he became a teenage heartthrob. Then came that night. 

Something happened between us—something unexpected and confusing. That was fifteen years ago. We hadn’t spoken since then. Now here I am, staring into his deep blue eyes. He’s no longer a boy and I’m not a girl. I’m a woman and he’s a sexy man, who’s just offered me the position of a lifetime. 

Should I take it? 

If I say no, my mundane life will go on as is. If I say yes, I’ll have to trust Jay West won’t eventually leave me high and dry like he’d done so many years ago.

by Kayley Loring

Kindle Unlimited Read

Three years ago, I did what so many people say you should do if you want a happy life. I married my best friend. 

You know what people don’t say? They don’t tell you that you probably shouldn’t secretly marry your best friend so he can get a green card if there’s even a chance you might fall in love with him. Because that clueless hot nerd will be too busy becoming a millionaire to even notice how uncomfortable you get when he walks around the house shirtless, complaining that he can’t get the same kinds of snacks that he grew up eating in Canada.

We needed to stay married for at least three years so he could become a naturalized American citizen. I have spent the last year trying to fall out of love with him, so I can make a graceful exit from this arrangement and move on to greener pastures.

I did not expect my best friend to ask me to stay married to him.

He did not expect me to say ‘no’ to him.

Three years ago, it was all too easy to convince the immigration officer that we were a real couple.

Now my beloved fake husband is going to have to work his ass off trying to convince me that he isn’t just pursuing me all of a sudden because he's crazy jealous of my new coworker.

I’m going to try not to panic while he displays the sexy alpha side that he’s been hiding from me all this time.

When he tempts me with “a real honeymoon,” I am going to try very hard to relax and have fun, despite having much less experience with relaxing and having fun (in bed) than him.

And I have no doubt that we will both blow it, because three years ago we were just too young and naïve to realize that secretly marrying each other would complicate everything. 

Cowboys Don't Marry Their Best Friend
by Jessie Gussman

Kindle Unlimited Read

One final summer

Before they’re parted forever.

Palmer wasn’t planning to get married. But when he got the unexpected letter, he knew he could pay the overdue medical bills and save the ranch. 

Just one problem. 

He needed a wife.

When Ames came home to North Dakota to spend the summer with her best friend before moving on to her dream job in LA, she thought there were would be work and fun, as always.

She didn’t expect him to say he planned to get married.

Why doesn’t she want to help him?

Will time run out before Ames and Palmer realize that love could be their answer?

by Fiona Keane

Kindle Unlimited Read

I have everything they said I would need. A degree, a job, an amazing group of friends—but there’s one thing missing... 

To him we’re nothing more than friends—good friends. To me he’s the one man who makes my heart beat faster. It doesn’t matter that his affections are elsewhere, I continue to love him from a distance dreaming of a happily ever after. world is turned upside down. Even if we manage to find each other through this storm, it will be a race against time. 

A fight against all the odds. 

The battle of a lifetime.

No matter where this road takes us, I won’t regret a thing. He’s the man who owns my heart, my soul, and everything in between. 

And his name…is Sean.

Her British Billionaire Best Friend
by Chelsea Hale

Kindle Unlimited Read

He has been in love with his best friend for years, but she has always kept him in the friend zone. Can a trip to London change their relationship to something more?

Addie has never had a lasting relationship with a guy. They all end … and usually it has something to do with her best friend Bennett, the British billionaire. Though he lives an ocean away, she relies on him. He’s always the man in her life who never lets her down.

Bennett wants to cheer Addison up after her breakup, but texting and video chats can only do so much. He invites her to come to London, and she comes with the hope of forgetting her ex. But constantly being around her and spending time in person with her makes him realize just how much he loves her.

Can one week in London move their relationship from the friend zone into something more? Or will confessing his true feelings to her ruin the best friendship they’ve ever had?

Football Dad
by Terry Towers

Kindle Unlimited Read

Millionaire. Football Star. Single Dad. 
But London only knows about the last one.
When she shows up with her own son to football camp, 
I want to get into her end zone.
She's cute and flirty.
Best of all, she doesn't have a clue as to who I am.
It's refreshing. It's perfect.

Spending a couple months watching our kids train with such an incredible woman.
I couldn't ask for more.
But what will happen when the truth comes out?
I've waited too long without letting her in on such an important part of my past.
My fans have other plans. 
She's been hurt before and has her defenses up.
I've got to break through that line.
Because in the end, I'll make her mine.

Spring for Best Friends
by Eliza Boyd

Kindle Unlimited Read

They’ve been best friends since third grade. Can they overcome their fears and find true love together?
Olivia Sutton, the owner of Blushing Bridal in the small town of True Love, made a bet with her friend. Her friend paid up, so it’s now Olivia’s turn. It’s time for her to confess to Ryan how much she’s loved him since high school. And she has to ask him to the annual Spring Fling party at the inn—as more than just friends. But when a new woman in town beats her to it, she closes her mouth, not wanting to interfere with Ryan’s potential happiness.
Ryan Hedgewick is getting tired of everyone in town asking about his relationship with Olivia. They’ve always been best friends—that’s it. He’s convinced she’ll never see past his dorky high school phase and love him for the man he is today. That ship has sailed. So when the opportunity to date someone else arises, he takes it, hoping it’ll silence the chatter about him and Olivia. However, when he doesn’t immediately fall in love in a town obsessed with it, he begins to wonder if he already did—with his best friend.
With Ryan’s new relationship making her heart ache, will Olivia choose to move away from True Love to find it somewhere else? Or will Ryan and Olivia figure out that true love does exist for them in their small mountain town?

by Lacey Silks
We share the same birthday and breathe the same air.

My best friend Nick, lives next door and our windows are only a foot apart.

I know him better than he knows himself, but I can't tell him that because well, he's a boy... that is, until he grows up and becomes a man.

A strong, handsome and persuasive man I would die for.

He is the first person I see each morning, and the last person I see when I go to sleep at night.

My life is his and his is mine and everything would have been perfect if he didn't choose to leave.

by Deana Farrady
Kindle Unlimited Read
Audible Version Available


Asher Norrell is my dream man - hot, brilliant, and charming, every big, strapping inch of him. Too bad he thinks of me as a platonic buddy.

I mean, I get it. I'm no femme fatale. Nope, I'm the tomboy who shoots hoops with the guys, not the love bunny who sits on their laps.

But, oh, well. I guess it's all for the best. Because I just got engaged. Even if the marriage won't be quite…the usual kind.

I just wonder if Asher will be pissed when he finds out who my fiance is.


On the surface things are perfect. I'm sailing through college, I'm already successful in my field, I've got a beautiful girlfriend, and life is sweet.

To top it off, I have the best f*cking friend in the world in Charis Sloane, doctoral student, gamer, and honorary family member from way back. Sure, she's a geek, but so am I under all these muscles.

She and I connect via brainwaves. I don't need my bestie to be a girly-girl; I already have one of those to warm my bed. The important thing is, I have Charis's back and she has mine.

Good thing, too, because below the surface? My life isn't nearly as awesome as it looks.

Then Charis tells me she's getting married to…to…

Pissed? PISSED? Right, try livid.

Now I have to stop her, or we'll miss our last chance to make right what should have happened long ago.


Between Friends
by Sandra Marie

She's the adventure he never expected. 

Rae is about to spend another Valentine’s Day alone… and hopelessly in love with her best bud. Tired of everyone pairing off while she stays at a standstill, she considers making a big move, putting a lot of those trusty miles between her and her unrequited.

All Tommy knows is that he’ll do anything to keep his best bud from up and leaving, and he’s pulling out all the punches for her favorite—okay, third favorite—holiday.

But will playing Romeo epically backfire on him? Or will it be the thing that makes him realize that maybe friendship just isn’t enough anymore?

Enjoy a good romance with your best friend as friends turn into lovers in these twelve Friends to Lovers Books.

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