
Would You Rather??

Start the conversation with your family using these 13 fun themed Would You Rather question sets.  Use these free printables tonight at dinner, on your next car ride, or while spending the evening together and have some fun family time while getting to know your kids' thoughts.
Start the conversation with your family using these 13 fun themed Would You Rather question sets.  Use these free printables tonight at dinner, on your next car ride, or while spending the evening together and have some fun family time while getting to know your kids' thoughts.

We are just past the middle of February and have passed Ditch Your New Years Resolutions Day (January 17).

Did you celebrate or are you still hanging on with gusto?

I started digital planning this year and created this motivational daily calendar. With it comes a habit tracker. It has allowed me to keep "attempting" my goals. There are far too many blank blocks where I misstepped, but I'm still going forward.

Start the conversation with your family using these 13 fun themed Would You Rather question sets.  Use these free printables tonight at dinner, on your next car ride, or while spending the evening together and have some fun family time while getting to know your kids' thoughts.

I read an article that said that one of the most popular resolutions this year was spending more quality time with family and friends.

I know it has felt like we've spent a lot of time with family during the quarantine. But has it been quality time?

When all my children were home, our dinner table conversations got rather exciting and crazy sometimes. It was my favorite time of day.

But now, I only have my youngest home and my parents. Conversations gets a little strained.

This week, I'm working on that. I've found a bunch of "Would you Rather" questions that should be perfect to keep the conversation going and find out the "why" of their answers. I'm super excited.

Check out these Would You Rather questions if you want some family fun tonight too:

Hope that helps you with some quality family time this week.

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