Have a fun ward activity or youth night by playing the Mormon Family Feud. Here are the answers to the Mormon Family Feud Questionnaire so you can put together your own game for a spirited and fun Mormon activity night.
Every since posting the Mormon Family Feud Questionnaire a few months ago, I've been getting emails and requests for the answers. I'll be honest, I've been pretty anxious and excited to see what the results of the questionnaire are too.
I finally found a quiet evening this week to go through the answers and tally them up. I haven't had time to actually organize and figure out exactly how I'm going to use them yet, although I do have ideas and will probably start putting the game together during the next quiet time I can find.
But in the meantime, since some of you are having this activity sooner than I am, I wanted to share the Mormon Family Feud Questionnaire answers.
I have included all the answers that had at least two of the same responses. I didn't disqualify them if they weren't a correct answer to the question (but I probably will during the game), so you can decide how you want to handle that in the meantime.
I am not sure when I will actually post the game itself, I may post it next month when I can and then post a final round up after we actually play the game with all my ideas, hints and tips. So if you are wanting to try and have this activity after the new year, you can stay tuned for that post.
In the meantime, here are the answers (and here is a printable version if you want it):
1. Name a Book of Mormon prophet
- Nephi 42
- Alma 22
- Moroni 10
- Abinadi 7
- Lehi 7
- Ammon 2
- Helaman
2. Name something you do when you get home from church
- Eat 39
- Change Clothes 31
- Sleep/Nap 29
- Read Scriptures 1
3. Name a popular church hymn
- I am a Child of God 17
- Spirit of God 16
- Come, Come Ye Saints 9
- Called to Serve 6
- Praise to the Man 5
- I Believe in Christ 4
- I Stand All Amazed 3
- My Redeemer Lives 3
- Because I Have Been... 2
- Thank Thee For Prophet 2
- Choose The Right 2
4. Name a temple within the state of Utah
- Salt Lake City 38
- Manti 15
- Provo 11
- Logan 10
- Ogden 6
- Jordan 5
- Bountiful 4
- St George 4
- Mt. Timp 2
- Brigham City 2
5. Name something Lehi took into the wilderness
- His Family 50
- Tent 18
- Food 4
- Liahona 4
- Brass Plates 4
6. Name a refreshment served at a fireside
- Cookies 50
- Brownies 29
- Root Beer Floats 4
- Water 4
- Donuts 3
- Punch 3
- Rice Krispie Treats 2
- Lemonade 2
7. Name something against the Word of Wisdom
- Alcohol 36
- Coffee 28
- Smoking 15
- Tobacco 10
- Tea 4
- Hot Drinks 3
8. Name a popular food storage item
- Wheat 47
- Rice 13
- Flour 7
- Beans 5
- Water 4
- Potatoes 4
- Fruit 4
- Oats 3
- Dry Milk 2
- Soup 2
- Sugar 2
9. Name a main dish you would eat for Sunday dinner
- Roast Beef 37
- Pot Roast 17
- Chicken 11
- Ham 7
- Casserole 5
- Breakfast 5
- Lasagna 3
- Haystacks 2
10. Name a miracle performed by Jesus Christ
- Healing the Sick 37
- Raise the Dead 23
- Healing the Lepers 13
- Water into Wine 11
- Walk on Water 10
- Feeding the 5000 5
- The Atonement 2
More Answers
I have been waiting for these answers. It was really interesting to find out in which questions we with friends made a mistake and what was right.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this game.