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Your Adventure through Mortality Printable Quotes

Uchtdorf is my hero! He always says the words that I need to hear. There's no denying these printable quotes are words that will help in times of trials, decisions, and troubles. They are also great quotes for lds lessons and ministering visits.
Uchtdorf is my hero! He always says the words that I need to hear. There's no denying these printable quotes are words that will help in times of trials, decisions, and troubles. They are also great quotes for lds lessons and ministering visits.
I told you how I was really struggling with some things this week. 

Sometimes I think that when you are trying your hardest to be "good" that's when Satan really works hard to pull you back down into the slums of life.

This week I decided to take a break from the Come Follow Me and Scriptures reading to see what the words of God's prophets needed to tell me.

I stared at my pile of Ensign magazines.  Most are still sitting in their wrappers unopened from the mail.  I just grabbed one, opened it, and started flipping.
Uchtdorf is my hero! He always says the words that I need to hear. There's no denying these printable quotes are words that will help in times of trials, decisions, and troubles. They are also great quotes for lds lessons and ministering visits.

I came to Dieter F. Uchtdorf's devotional talk given on January 14, 2018.  It was printed in the March 2019 issue of the Ensign.

Heavenly Father sent me an eye opening, uplifting, answer to my prayer.

I just love Uchtdorf and his profound words sent straight from the Father.

If you are struggling with decisions, or need a little guidance in your life, I highly recommend reading this devotional.  It had so many helpful words that I ended up almost highlighting the whole talk.

I have since gone back and read it almost daily.

So I knew I needed to take the words of God from his apostle and make them into printable quotes that I can share.  I hope these words touch you as much as they did me.  Please go read the devotional here and then share these words of wisdom with others who may be struggling and need a little inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful quotes! Thank you for sharing them at The Hearth and Soul Link Party!
