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It's All a Bunch of Hocus Pocus Printable Quote

 It's all a bunch of Hocus Pocus! But we love Halloween anyway, so grab these Hocus Pocus quote printables in 9 different sizes perfect for all your Halloween decorating and party needs.

It's all a bunch of Hocus Pocus! But we love Halloween anyway, so grab these Hocus Pocus quote printables in 9 different sizes perfect for all your Halloween decorating and party needs.
It's all a bunch of Hocus Pocus!

But I don't know about you....I need a little magic in my life right now.  

I am so tired of all the bad news and craziness that 2020 has brought into our lives.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could vanquish it all as quickly as they did the Sanderson sisters in Hocus Pocus?

It's all a bunch of Hocus Pocus! But we love Halloween anyway, so grab these Hocus Pocus quote printables in 9 different sizes perfect for all your Halloween decorating and party needs.

Halloween will look very different this year than it has in the past...and probably even different from you as we all figure out what levels of celebrating we are comfortable with.

So I'm dreaming of a new sunrise and better day, and this year I'm throwing a Hocus Pocus party for Halloween.  I'm going to vanquish the blues and instead enjoy a little orange, black, and white.

Won't you enjoy me for the fun?

Today, I'm kicking off my celebration with a fun Hocus Pocus printable quote. 

This quote is perfect for home decor, party decorations, or even to print out and use as a party favor for your in person or virtual party.

And I've got some great ideas I can't wait to share on how to make Halloween fun via a Zoom party!  So be sure to stay close and even sign up for our Hocus Pocus party planning emails.  (You'll find lots of great ideas that won't be shared here on the blog as well as exclusive freebies and deals!)

Go ahead and start decorating for's not too early!  We all need a little magic and fun right now.

Simply click on the size picture you want to save to your computer and then use your computer's print program to decorate today.

8 1/2 by 11 inch print

8 by 10 inch print

5 by 7 inch print

4 by 6 inch print

3 by 5 inch print

2 by 3 1/2 inch print

square print

facebook cover photo

phone wallpaper

Don't you just love the cute Sanderson sister emojis?  

Be sure to grab the sizes you want and pin this for later if you want the other sizes for a Hocus Pocus party or some Halloween decorating!

And don't forget to get all our Hocus Pocus party ideas delivered to you with exclusive printables and fun party ideas by signing up here.

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