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Stocking Stuffer Solutions: Day 5 of the Blogger Online Advent

Solve your stocking stuffer problems with these solutions from day five of our blogger online advent. You can get all your stocking stuffer shopping done in one place with some free money to boot!

Solve your stocking stuffer problems with these solutions from day five of our blogger online advent. You can get all your stocking stuffer shopping done in one place with some free money to boot!

I think one of the hardest parts of Christmas is coming up with solutions to the Stocking Stuffer delimia.  I mean seriously, who decided to make my kids stockings so darn big?

Coming up with meaningful gift ideas is hard enough, but then to stuff the stockings with ideas that are fun, meaningful, inexpensive, and exciting, just takes the cake.

But day five of our Blogger Online Advent solves this problem for you in a fun way.  Check out Camille over at Chicken Scratch and Sniff.  She has some great ideas and a giveaway so you can solve that problem with some freebies!

Check out what Camille says here:

What is your favorite thing to open Christmas morning? The stocking always seems to be magically full of never ending amazing gifts. Taking on the job of Santa now though is a little bit overwhelming! How can you fill the stocking up so it is just as magical and meaningful to your kids? Here is a few ideas to get your started on becoming Santa: 

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