I'm a little bummed today. We were supposed to have our annual sledding party tomorrow, but the weather has shifted and we have no snow. We might get some on Monday, so we're still hoping for a little bit of fun and mayhem, but for now, we are just moving on towards the next chance to party and have fun.
That means the Super Bowl and Valentine's. It's so hard to decide which one to focus on. Our entire town is decked out for the Broncos. I can't believe the crazy things I've seen in shop windows and flying from houses and cars. I guess that's what happens when you are only a few miles from Denver and the football spirit soars.
But I'm also ready for some candy treats and Valentine fun. So if you missed it, here are 5 valentine treats from last week's Dare to Share Saturday.
My friend and co-host Pam from Pam's Party and Practical Tips isn't lacking for snow where she lives. I think some of you got so much that you'd gladly share, but instead, I just get to enjoy your wonderful ideas instead.
If you missed some of her great Snow Day ideas, she's sharing them on her blog this week. I am still hoping for a little snow so we can enjoy some of the fun treats and ideas she shared on her Spectacular Snow Day.
Did you get snowed in this week? What have you been up to? I can't wait to see.