Make your Fall Festival just a little bit easier by letting the guests bring the food. With a chili cook off, they can eat, vote, and everyone wins with these Chili Cook off printable voting cards.
Our fall festival is just a few days away and I'm in full panic mode.
Why do I always put things off until the last minute? Why does my brain just work better that way? Am I the only one who gets their best ideas at the eleventh hour?
Okay, I don't know about best ideas, but I do get a few good ones.
We've decided to add a chili cook off this year to our Fall Festival. Each family is going to bring a pot of their favorite chili and we'll let everyone taste the chili and vote on which one is the yummiest.
So of course, we needed a way to label the chili and to let each family vote for their favorite.
I found some sparkly dollar pumpkins at the Dollar Store (Walmart has some too). I partially unbent a paper clip and pushed the straight end into the top of the pumpkin. (Glue helps hold it in place.)
Then, I created these chili cook off number cards. Each card will have a number and go on top of the pumpkin to sit beside the chili. That way each voter knows which chili to taste and vote for.
Tweet: Having a Chili Cookoff? Let guests vote for favs with these cards perfect for your #fallfestival or #halloweenparty
We will give each family a voting card so they can write their favorite chili number on. I'll grab a big cauldron and we can place the voting cards inside that. Then we'll count and give away a cauldron award for Best Chili of 2017.
Hopefully this will be a fun and easy tradition to keep going with each year. It's a super easy way to serve food at the Fall Festival and not have a ton of work. (Who doesn't love that!?)
I do recommend printing out the chili number cards on to card stock so they are sturdier while being bumped and passed over for the food. We don't want the numbers to get lost and have to do a recount!
If you are planning a pumpkin Halloween party, find more ideas and free printables here:
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