Moms shouldn't have to give up everything for their kids. Keep yourself organized with this TV Planner page printable so when you find a spare moment, you can catch up on your favorite TV shows fast.
As a mom, I know we don't usually get much down time.
I know that I rarely get TV time when the family is home. Just last night, I tried to watch the season premier of Once Upon A Time. It's one of my favorite shows and I wanted to watch the premier...LIVE. (Gasp. I know, what was I thinking?)
Now I remember why I only watch TV after the kids are asleep or when I have a few moments during the day while folding laundry or working on a project.
So I find that I get way behind in watching the shows that I like. Since we have Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime, I can't rely on the next week to keep me up to date or to save my place in line. Usually my Dear Hubby or one of the kids has gone ahead in the shows and I can't remember what episode I'm on.
Maybe that's just me. And if it is, go ahead and skip this planner page.
I found last season that it was easiest for me to make a list of the shows that I liked to watch and check them off as I was able to get around to watching them.
That way I would know what episode I was on in Arrow, or Reign, or the Blacklist.
Here's the planner page if you want to print it out and use it to keep yourself sane too. Us moms shouldn't have to give up everything we love for our families, we can enjoy the shows and bonbons....even if it's while hiding in the closet with our iPads after the kids have gone to bed.
I designed it to fit a half page notebook. (Sorry, but that's what I have as my planner.) The top of each planner page is towards the outside of the page, so you can punch holes where the white space of the page is (hiding it a little bit.)
I hope it allows you to keep yourself organized so you can grab a few minutes of free time quickly when you can find it!
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