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Star Trek Toilet Paper Roll Printables

Boldly Go where no one has gone before with these fun printable toilet paper roll characters.  This set features your favorite Star Trek bridge crew so you'll be exploring the universe in no time at all.
Boldly Go where no one has gone before with these fun printable toilet paper roll characters.  This set features your favorite Star Trek bridge crew so you'll be exploring the universe in no time at all.

I'm finishing off Alien week with another Star Trek idea today.  I guess I kind of got stuck on these aliens this week.  After all, is there a better alien than Mr. Spock?  It's illogical how much we love him.

If you want to make sure you can boldly go into the nearest star system, print out these Star Trek toilet paper roll printables so you have the crew of the Enterprise ready to help you out of any reading disaster you may run across.

You'll find Spock (with his pointed ears and everything) and Uhura.  She even has her ponytail to flip around while you explore.

Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy.

Sulu and Chekov.

Boldly Go where no one has gone before with these fun printable toilet paper roll characters.  This set features your favorite Star Trek bridge crew so you'll be exploring the universe in no time at all. #startrek #toiletpapercraft #diypartymomblog

Get your free toilet paper printables by clicking on the picture files below and then right click to save them.  Once you have them printed, cut out around the figures and secure around a toilet paper roll.  Then you'll have your favorite crew to help you go out and explore the universe and fall in love with an alien.


  1. These are great! I love how you could use these for a party or play time with kids who love Star Trek.

  2. Those are hysterical! There's even a red shirt! Thanks for sharing with us at Creatively Crafty #ccbg

  3. Love these so much! Bummed there is a Scotty

  4. I think I'm going to get my son to use this pattern to make his dad some one of a kind ornaments for our Star Trek Tree.
