Make a little extra money for some family fun by pinning your favorite party products. It's easy, it's fun, and it's money to allow you to pay bills or play with the kids.
I was driving home last night with the kids in the car and we passed Dairy Queen.
Suddenly, I pulled off and got in line.
The car became quiet.
I looked in the rear view mirror and the kids were silent and grinning as they realized where we were and that there was a possibility of an unexpected treat.
I just love doing that.
I love being able to take that little extra unexpected splurge and suprise the kids.
And thank to my loyal friends and readers, I'm able to do that.
And I want to give a little bit of that back.
So I'm excited to finally announce that I have created an affiliate program for my party store!
Now it's still pretty new, so I'm probably going to need to work some kinks out, but if you're looking to make a little extra pocket change this month, by doing something you already do, would you be interested?
I just need a little help from you to share our candy bar wrappers, bingo games, printable bag toppers, and all the party fun in our Party store. And in exchange, every sale that's made through your share, I'll share the profits with you. Pretty easy right?
I have tried to make most of the products in our party store pinnable with good images, descriptive text, and even hashtags. (Yea, I'm still working on a few...)
There are even share buttons included in the listings!
If you are looking to make a little extra cash (I can't guarantee how much, that depends on you and your sharing), simply join our affiliate program here.
Once you are an affiliate, you can generate links for each page you want to pin.
Simply click on the "generate other links" button as in above in the affiliate dashboard. (It's the white button next to the blue one on the home page.)
Go to the product page that you want to pin. Copy that link and enter it in the space provided. Hit "generate" for a personal affiliate link. Copy that link.
Go back to your product page and hit the pin it button.
A page will open that will allow you to pin the product to your favorite pinterest board.
Click on the "see it now" button and your pin will open up. Click on the "edit pin" button and change your share link to your affiliate link.
To be sure you don't get in trouble with the internet laws, be sure to add "#ad" or "#affiliate" to your pin description so you have disclosed properly that it is an affiliate link.
Now anytime someone clicks through your link and makes a purchase, you'll earn 25% of each purchase, whether it's a digital or physical product.
It may seem like pennies at first, but with time and patience, it adds up! I do this with a lot of party product links and make enough for ice cream stops and even a few bills! Since I love to pin and share great products, it's a win-win for my audience and me.
Click here to join our affiliate group today!
I hope you'll join me and make some extra cash for those "little moments" that make for family fun.
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