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Orange Character M Kindle Book Cover

Keep your kindle safe and warm with this simple Kindle book cover based on everyone's favorite Orange character M.  You'll love how fun this looks and how free the pattern is.
Keep your kindle safe and warm with this simple Kindle book cover based on everyone's favorite Orange character M.  You'll love how fun this looks and how free the pattern is.


I have always been an avid reader.  There's just something about being able to lose myself in a magical world where anything is possible.  I love having a book in my hand or purse all the time.

Not long ago, I started thinking about getting an e-reader.  I admit, I put it off for a LONG time.  I wasn't sure I would like not having a real book in my hand.  It kind of seemed wrong.

But after find a super good deal on Amazon, and using my Swagbuck gift certificates, I was able to find a Kindle reader for only $5.00.  I decided I would try it and if I didn't like it, it was no huge loss.

That was six months ago and I will tell you, I love my Kindle.

I admit, I still buy a lot of "real" books, but I love being able to drop my Kindle in my purse and know I always have a book with me.  It's really nice not having the weight and size of a book taking over my purse and with all the free Kindle books out there, I'm never without something to read.

But I did find a problem.  It seems I was always misplacing my Kindle since I had it with me always and it would get buried in the house or my purse.  Plus, I was always worried about dropping it or scratching the screen.

So I decided to put my skills to use and make my own Kindle book cover.  To try out my design, I decided to go with an easy but love able character--the Orange MandM.

Now I apologize for the lack of good pictures, I wasn't sure if my idea was going to work, so I didn't take pictures until I fell in love with it at the end of the process.  But I'll try and explain how I created it and share the plastic canvas pattern with you.

I know there are different sizes and styles of Kindles, and due to the GREAT deal I got, I have just the basic Certified Refurbished Kindle, 6" E Ink Display*.  If you have a larger one, you can take this same idea and just make it larger.  Please let me know if you do, I'd love to know how it turns out.

Start by sewing all the pieces for the book cover according to the pattern direction.

To sew the front cover together, use the cover piece and one of the back pieces.  Place them back to back so the wrong sides are together.  Overcast the edges to join on three sides, leaving the right hand side (of the front cover) unjoined.

To sew the back, sew a back piece and two "holder" pieces.  Start at the upper left corner of the wrong side of the back piece and overcast the edges catching the right outside edges of the "holder" pieces into the overcast stitch.

Join the book together by sewing the front "back" piece and the "holder" side of the back piece to the spine. Make sure to catch the front of the book cover and the "holder" pieces into your joining overcast.

Now slide your Kindle into the book cover.  The sides are open so you can turn the pages, and the Home button can be easily reached under the holder pieces.

I love how this protects my Kindle and the bright color makes it harder to lose.

If you are looking to make this for your own Kindle, you can find the pattern pieces here. If you like this idea, be sure to check out all the Plastic Canvas Patterns here:

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