Put a spell on your Partner with this fun printable spell book for a romantic Halloween date night. Spell book is from Dating Divas and adds a little fun to your romantic relationship.
While I spend a lot of time trying to help you make your time with your kids feel special, happy, and memorable, I don't want you to forget your spouse in the meantime. I admit, I'm super bad at this. I spend so much time shuttling the kids everywhere, trying to make sure they have good days, and making family memories that I'm not too good with making sure my husband is feeling loved and special too.I'm trying to do better. Our twenty-first wedding anniversary is at the end of the month and I realize that soon the kids will be gone and it will be just the two of us again. (I can't even remember when it was just the two of us somedays....) So I need to make sure that he still wants to be with me during that "boring" time when we aren't always rushing around trying to satisfy somebody else's schedule.
So I've created a new Pinterest board that focuses on ways to help your marriage. You should definitely check it out here:
One of my favorite sites to pin and get ideas, is the Dating Diva's website. You guys may remember when I purchased their Ultimate Date Night for a Year and gave it to my Dear Hubby for Christmas one year. That was a huge hit!
With Halloween and our anniversary right around the corner, I knew I needed to find some more fun ideas for just the two of us.
The Dating Divas were my "go to" site again. And they didn't let me down.
They had a fun dinner and a movie night with a Hocus Pocus theme too! But I'm sure they weren't thinking about the kids when they came up with their ideas. And who would be with the fun "after party" they had planned?
A great way to get the spices flowing is their fun "Spell" after party printables. You can download the whole party set here, but make sure you go towards the end and make your own spell book with lots of Halloween fun for your spouse and you!
I think I may make a spell book like this for the whole year round!
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