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Make Cinderella's Dress Maker Book DIY

If you're having a crafting party or Cinderella birthday party, add Cinderella's dress maker book as a perfect dessert table or party centerpiece.  This easy DIY will help you create one in moments with an old book and two free Cinderella's dress pattern printables.
If you're having a crafting party or Cinderella birthday party, add Cinderella's dress maker book as a perfect dessert table or party centerpiece.  This easy DIY will help you create one in moments with an old book and two free Cinderellas dress pattern printables.

Do you ever feel like you have too many DIY projects going on and absolutely no time to work on them?  If so, I'm right there with you.

While cleaning up and going through JUNK for the move this weekend, I decided it was time to do something about all the half finished projects that I had all over the house.  After talking to some of my friends, we decided to have a girls night out once a month where we could bring a project we were "working" on and spend the time talking and crafting away from the kids and "to do" lists.

Once I get through this next week or two with the move to the new house, I get to host the first night out.

Since this was a "work party" I decided to "glam" it up a little by going with a Cinderella party theme.  Specifically the theme where the mice and birds all work together to make Cinderella's dress for the ball.

Cinderella Work Song with Mice and Birds
I knew the perfect centerpiece for the dessert table would be Cinderella's dress maker book.  You know, the one where she finds the dress pattern to upcycle her mother's old dress into a new one?

But I looked EVERYWHERE online and couldn't find any ideas on how to recreate the dressmaker book.  So i created my own very easy DIY that works pretty darn good.

Cinderellas dressmaker book DIY

If you want a dressmaker book for your own Cinderella party or Crafting party, run down to your local Goodwill and find a good book.  You need to find one that has pages about the size of a regular 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper.  It also helps if it's a good size book so it looks like there are more pages in it than just your dress pattern.

(when I got mine home, I spray painted the front of the book to hide the title. This allows me to use the book for a witch's spell book at Halloween or this Dress maker book.  But no one should see the front of the book, so this step is purely optional.)

Cinderellas dress pattern book

Now you want to print out the two pages of Cinderella's dress pattern that I tried to recreate.  It was hard since I can't draw at all and there are no real pictures of the dressmaker book in a way to copy.  (So don't judge me too harshly on my attempt.)

Make Cinderellas dress pattern

If you want, you can put some double sided tape on the inside edge back of the pictures to secure them to the book, but mine fit pretty securely in there and didn't need to be tape, so adapt as you need for the book you have.

Cinderellas dressmaker pattern page

Now find a good book stand for the center of your Cinderella dessert table, and add the book as a fun centerpiece.  I hope to be able to add the mice and birds around the table to really bring the theme to the party and table.  We'll see if I can get it done, or if it will be another unfinished craft project I'll need to work on "someday".

Cinderellas Dressmaker book DIY right page by KandyKreations

Right Book Page

Cinderellas Dressmaker book DIY left page by KandyKreations
Left Book Page

I hope this helps you with your next Cinderella party or Craft party, and that it's not just another project to pin or start later!  If it is, come join us for a ladies night out crafting party!

If you're having a crafting party or Cinderella birthday party, add Cinderella's dress maker book as a perfect dessert table or party centerpiece.  This easy DIY will help you create one in moments with an old book and two free Cinderellas dress pattern printables.

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