I have had a fascination for gingerbread men for many years, which is really funny since I don't even like Gingerbread. But there's something about the sweet little guys all dressed up in candy buttons and smiles that just makes my heart go pitter patter.
So when I was trying to decide what plastic canvas pattern I wanted to try and make next, the Christmas season and the smells of the holiday, brought my favorite little man to mind.
This is a simple pattern since it is a straight beginners continental stitch for most of the pattern and instead of building the napkin holder this time, I went to Dollar Tree and bought one of those cheap plastic ones. The Gingerbread man just slips on over the top of both sides of the napkin holder and brightens up my kitchen with his sweet smile.
To make this plastic canvas pattern, you will need two sheets of 7 count plastic canvas, a plastic canvas needle, scissors, and yarn in brown, red, pink, green, black, and white.
Start by cutting four of the pattern rounded squares. You only need to stitch two of the gingerbread man heads, but you will need the other two to secure the head onto the napkin holder.
Follow the pattern to stitch two Gingerbread many heads.
Once your done, overcast the bottom edge of the head using coordinating colors. You'll want the green for the bow tie and the brown for the rounded edges and little bit of neck peeking between the tie.
Now, take one of your non-sewn plastic canvas sheets and join the sewn and non-sewn pieces together around the sides and top. Don't sew the bottom piece together so you can slide it onto the napkin holder.
Finish your napkin holder by sliding one of each of the gingerbread man napkin holder pieces on each side of the napkin holder with their smiles facing out. Fill with holiday napkins and enjoy a smile!
If you like this idea, be sure to check out all the Plastic Canvas Patterns here:
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