This post may contain affiliate links. When you click on a link, you are supporting DIY Party Mom, my family, and our blog fun. Thank you for your love and support!

Patriotic Kiss Labels

These Hershey kiss labels would be perfect for our 4th of July picnic this year.  So simple and cute that our friends are going to love the addition to the party.  Plus, its a quick and easy project with a free printable.  Love it!
These Hershey kiss labels would be perfect for our 4th of July picnic this year.  So simple and cute that our friends are going to love the addition to the party.  Plus, its a quick and easy project with a free printable.  Love it

Batman Alphabet

This alphabet would be perfect to create scrapbook pages or party printables for my next Batman party.  With the Bat symbol in the background and the iconic yellow and black colors, it's so much fun to use on any printable project for a Batman fan.
This alphabet would be perfect to create scrapbook pages or party printables for my next Batman party.  With the Bat symbol in the background and the iconic yellow and black colors, it's so much fun to use on any printable project for a Batman fan.
I found the most fun Superhero backgrounds today while "window shopping" my favorite clip art sites.  I just had to splurge and buy it.  Which is probably bad for me since I don't have anything planned to do with these backgrounds.  I'm not playing any superhero parties or such.  Maybe I'll use them in my son's Batman room when we finally find a house, but for now, what's bad for my bank account is good for you.

I just had to make a Batman alphabet with it.  This is one of my favorite things to do with awesome alphabets.  You can see how I make them here.  Or you can just download this cool Batman alphabet here.

This alphabet would be perfect to create scrapbook pages or party printables for my next Batman party.  With the Bat symbol in the background and the iconic yellow and black colors, it's so much fun to use on any printable project for a Batman fan.

Ice Cream Napkin Ring Printable

Stay cool this summer by throwing an ice cream party for the neighborhood, for your friends, or just for the kids!  This super cute and easy ice cream napkin holder will keep all the party utensils together with a cute flair that will get the party hopping.
Stay cool this summer by throwing an ice cream party for the neighborhood, for your friends, or just for the kids!  This super cute and easy ice cream napkin holder will keep all the party utensils together with a cute flair that will get the party hopping.
With temperatures a little out of control all over the country, and summer just starting, I don't know about you, but I'm seriously ready for some ice cream!

The thought of throwing an ice cream bash has my heart going pitter patter and my heat index level plummeting.  So in case you are looking for a fun way to cool off this summer, throwing an ice cream party is a great way to go.

This set of napkin ring printables is the perfect addition to the fun.  You can wrap your silverware or napkins up in this 2x4 inch printable ring with 6 different designs so you kids don't have to fight over the same one.

Simply right click and save the picture above.  Then print out on to cardstock and cut out each napkin ring  Wrap them around your napkins and gather the ice cream for some fun.  Quick, easy, and super cute.

Stay cool this summer by throwing an ice cream party for the neighborhood, for your friends, or just for the kids!  This super cute and easy ice cream napkin holder will keep all the party utensils together with a cute flair that will get the party hopping.

I'm Not Fat! Print

It' summer and swim suit season.  Yuck. 

I have been trying to go to the gym since last August and I'm getting no where.  It's a little depressing.  Until I realized that it's not my fault.  (Isn't that what everyone says these days?)

After all....

We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads.
 So I'm not fat, I'm just really intelligent and my head couldn't hold any more so it started filling up the rest of me!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Okay, so probably not the real reason, but it's a nice thought and I'm going to hang it beside my scale so I'm not so depressed with my lack of progress each day.  Instead, I'll be proud of myself for the extra knowledge that I've gained.

You can too with this free 8x10 inch print from our 30 days of Summer free printable series


Patriotic Pennant Banner Printable

No matter what kind of party you are having, pennant banners are a simple but awesome way to add some extra flair.  This patriotic stars printable pennant banner is perfect for a Patriotic party any time of year or for any type of fun.

No matter what kind of party you are having, pennant banners are a simple but awesome way to add some extra flair.  This patriotic stars printable pennant banner is perfect for a Patriotic party any time of year or for any type of fun.

3 Cool Summer Treats and Dare to Share Saturday

We've been in South Carolina a week now.  And I can tell you one thing I've learned....IT'S HOT!  It's a muggy hot.  We haven't had to deal with that kind of weather since we left Indiana.  I am thinking I may be in trouble since I'm already melting in this wet heat and the locals are telling me this is a mild summer so far.

So I'm super greateful that you guys shared some cool summer treats to help me cool off.  If you missed any of them, be sure to check out these features from last week's Dare ot Share linky party.

Oreo Ice Box Pie by Oh My Creative

Strawberries and Cream Ice Pops by Moms Messy Miracles

Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream Sandwiches by Gluesticks

I've been trying to stay out of the heat by hiding in my hotel room making free printables for you guys.  I had to venture out a few times to take my son to the Challenger British Summer Camp this week, but my love of soccer helped me through that.

My friend and co-host Pam from Pam's Party and Practical Tips is full into her summer fun.  They went to the Nature Center in her town.  I've never been to one before, so I think this would be a fun way to spend a day if you can find one that's not too hot.

I know I'm going to have to find some fun things to do with the kids now that soccer camp is over.  They are going stir crazy and I'm losing patience with the soccer juggling that's going on. 

I can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!

I Love Soccer 2 inch Circle Printable

I am so glad that I sent my kids to Challenger British soccer camp this summer! Their love of the game has increased and their pent up energy has decreased. I love the ability soccer has to save my sanitity. And I love sharing my love of soccer with this versatile soccer printable that's perfect for a sticker or cupcake topper for your next soccer party.
I am so glad that I sent my kids to Challenger British soccer camp this summer! Their love of the game has increased and their pent up energy has decreased. I love the ability soccer has to save my sanitity. And I love sharing my love of soccer with this versatile soccer printable that's perfect for a sticker or cupcake topper for your next soccer party.
This week my son was able to attend the Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp.  It was perfect timing and a great blessing to us as we just rolled into a new town and didn't know anyone. 

This soccer camp lasted Monday through Friday from 9 am to 12 pm.  There were 3 coaches and about 45 kids ranging in age from 3-15.  Each coach took a different age group to work with.  My son was the oldest kid at the camp and was in the 10-15 age group. 

He spent 5 days at camp and loved every minute of it.  He was able to make a lot of new friends (he didn't care that they were younger than him), we were able to connect with the parents and kids from the local travel soccer team, and he even learned a few new dribbling and juking skills.

From a learning standpoint, I'm not sure he learned a whole lot, just because he was so much more experienced than a lot of the kids there.  But the Challenger camp was a definite win for us since it kept him busy during the long summer day when there was nothing for him to do. 

He would have been sleeping in, playing video games, or picking on his brother during that time, but instead he went to camp and played soccer.  So he came home tired and with a little less energy to get in trouble with through the rest of the day.  (What more can a mom ask during summer?)

He also came home with a new soccer ball, a t-shirt, a challenger jersey, and a water bottle, as well as a lot of new friends and the invitation to join the local travel soccer team.

If your child is looking for a fun way to keep busy this summer, and embrace his or her love of soccer, I would definitely recommend checking to see if there is a Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp. near by.  And since it's the most popular camp in North America, there's a great chance there's one in your neighborhood.

Once you're done signing up for soccer camp, come back and celebrate with this 2 inch circle printable.  It is designed to fit xxx, but I admit, I've never had much luck printing templates on to the right spot.  If you know how, please let me know the unwritten and secret trick.  (Do they make a summer camp for that?)

I am so glad that I sent my kids to Challenger British soccer camp this summer! Their love of the game has increased and their pent up energy has decreased. I love the ability soccer has to save my sanitity. And I love sharing my love of soccer with this versatile soccer printable that's perfect for a sticker or cupcake topper for your next soccer party.

The sticker can be used for just about any purpose by printing it on to sticker paper and adhearing it to any surface to show your love of soccer.  Or you can print it on to cardstock and use it as a cupcake topper.  Your options are as endless as your love of soccer!

Right click and save the 2 inch circle printable here, and then let me know what you are going to use it for in the comments below. 

I did receive a free week of Soccer Camp in return for this post.  But I loved the camp and would have shared anyway.  All opinions, thoughts, and printables are my own. 

Be sure to check out all of our 30 days of summer free printables.

Minion Boxed Planner Printable perfect for Keeping Track of Your Money Making Tasks

There are certain things I do each day to make some extra play money. During the summer it's hard to remember to get it all done with crazy schedules. Add this bullet journal inspired month box planner printable to your organization and you'll be on your way to your next pair of shoes quick!
There are certain things I do each day to make some extra play money. During the summer it's hard to remember to get it all done with crazy schedules. Add this bullet journal inspired month box planner printable to your organization and you'll be on your way to your next pair of shoes quick!
I love my planner.  I use it for just about everything to keep me organized, especially during the summer when we are in a crazy routine.  I have shared a bunch of my free planner printables in the past so hopefully you can stay organized too.

My organizational printable today is a simple boxed table from the bullet planner set up.  If you haven't heard of a bullet planner, it's a pretty awesome and easy way to start in getting organized.  You can see how it's done here.

This planner printable can be used for just about anything.  It has 30 boxes horizontally and 10 boxes vertically.  It's great if you want to keep track of anything you need to do every day of the month, like take medicine, or exercise.  Just about anything.

I want to help myself remember to do my "money making" tasks each day.  I keep forgetting due to the craziness of the moving situation we are in right now and I don't want to miss out on my play money at the end of the month.  

There are certain things I do each day to make a little extra money for play.  They don't take much time and energy, but I often forget to do them in the daily hustle and grind of life.  So I'm adding this planner page to my notebook to help myself remember to do things like Swagbucks, Perk TV, Shopkick, Ebates and the Savings Catcher.

Hopefully this will help you to stay organized this summer too.  And while you're at it, don't miss all my other fun summer printables as part of the 30 Days of Summer free printable series.

Keep Swimming Finding Dory Candy Bar Wrapper Printable

Keep calm and Just Keep Swimming!  What a fun candy bar wrapper for a Finding Nemo or Finding Dory party.  Or wouldn't the kids just love it when we go to see the movie? This free printable is quick, easy, and super, super cute.
Keep calm and Just Keep Swimming!  What a fun candy bar wrapper for a Finding Nemo or Finding Dory party.  Or wouldn't the kids just love it when we go to see the movie? This free printable is quick, easy, and super, super cute.
Have you seen Finding Dory yet?

Despite the fact that we are living RIGHT next door to a movie theater, I haven't had time to go to any movies lately.  I do hope I can find time to go see Dory in the next few days.  I've heard it's cute and enjoyable even for adults.

With all the stress going on for us this summer, I thought it would be fun to make a candy bar wrapper using Dory and her "keep swimming" mantra for today's addition to the 30 Days of Summer free printable series

The candy bar wrapper fits a regular 1.5 ounce Hershey candy bar and comes in 3 versions.  I decided to add the blank version too.  I usually only do that for the Candy Bar Membership club, but you may want to use this cute wrapper for a birthday party or other card alternative.

To use the wrapper, click on the JPG picture file you want to use and save to your computer.  Then print it out and wrap around your candy bar.  You can follow my directions here or just print, cut, and tape.  It's up to you and how much extra work and awesomeness you want to add.

If you are looking for ways to make your candy bar wrappers really shine, check out these products that I use and love!

Shopkins Cookie Cake Party Favor Printable

How cute is this Shopkins Cookie printable cake? With it's cute smile and easy directions, you can put this party favor cake together in less time than it would take you to make an actual batch of cookies.  And there's way less clean up too!
How cute is this Shopkins Cookie printable cake? With it's cute smile and easy directions, you can put this party favor cake together in less time than it would take you to make an actual batch of cookies.  And there's way less clean up too!
As you know, I have boys.  Rough and tumble boys who love MMA, Minecraft, Soccer, and doing anything they can to stress Mom out.  My daughter is the oldest of all the kids and is out of the house.  So I don't have little girls at home.  So I don't understand the Shopkins craze.

But I know it is a craze.  I see it on Pinterest everywhere.  I even started a Shopkins Party Board on Pinterest to collect ideas and figure out the little girl shopping treats.

I still have no clue, but for those of you who do, I am working to draw a little bit closer to ease your pain.  I have created my first Shopkins printable party favor.  I took the crazy cute cookie and turned him? her? into a printable party cake.

If you haven't seen my printable cakes before, I've shared a few with you.  They are kind of a pain to make, especially since I'm printer-less and can't check to make sure everything has lined up correctly.

There are 12 pieces of cake in the zip file that comes with this party favor printable.  You have to download, save, and unzip the file to be able to print each cake piece.  When you do, print them on to heavy card stock and cut out along the outside edges.  Score along the inside edges to create a 3D cake piece.   Fold, glue, fill, and piece all 12 pieces together for a cute little cookie cake.

How cute is this Shopkins Cookie printable cake? With it's cute smile and easy directions, you can put this party favor cake together in less time than it would take you to make an actual batch of cookies.  And there's way less clean up too!

The zip file is hosted on Dropbox, so you should be able to click here for the download link and give this cookie a try.  It may not taste as good as the real thing, but it sure is super cute and would make a great party favor for your next Shopkins party.

Don't miss all the free printables this month with our 30 Days of Summer printable series!

Golf Ball Alphabet

I love this golf ball alphabet for making beautiful golf scrapbook pages! This free alphabet has the numbers 1-9 and the capital letters A-Z with a dimpled golf ball background.  How awesome is that for Father's Day scrapbook pages?
I love this golf ball alphabet for making beautiful golf scrapbook pages! This free alphabet has the numbers 1-9 and the capital letters A-Z with a dimpled golf ball background.  How awesome is that for Father's Day scrapbook pages?
Happy Father's Day!

I hope you are enjoying a fun day with the dads in your life.  I'm far away from my dad but enjoying a quite day with the Dear Hubby and kids.  Being new to this area, I'm not sure what we'll do to celebrate, but maybe it will be nice to just enjoy each other's company.

Maybe you'll go do something fun with your dad, like go out to lunch or go golfing.  Be sure to take some great pictures and enjoy the day.  It's sad to think that Dad won't always be around.  I dread that day with everything in me so I'm trying to make and keep the memories that I have.

So I'm scrapbooking all of our fun adventures this year, and all of the little things we get to do together.  With that end, I'm sharing a cute little golf ball alphabet to help you scrapbook your memories today.

This alphabet has the capital letters A through Z, and the numbers 1-9.  Each letter has a dimpled background to look like a golf ball surface.  It's a PNG zip file hosted through dropbox.  To use it, simply click on this Golf Ball Alphabet link and download the file that pops up.  To use the alphabet, you will need to unzip the file and use each letter individually in your scrapbooking.

I hope you are able to use this alphabet and have a great Father's Day with your dad!

I love this golf ball alphabet for making beautiful golf scrapbook pages! This free alphabet has the numbers 1-9 and the capital letters A-Z with a dimpled golf ball background.  How awesome is that for Father's Day scrapbook pages?

3 Patriotic Decorations and Dare to Share Saturday

Hello Friends!  TGIF!!!

I can't tell you how glad I am that it is finally Friday.  We have been traveling across country this week as part of our move to South Carolina.  While the government has been great--paying for our meals, putting us in nice hotels, and only allowing us to travel a little each day, this week has lasted FOREVER.

Parts of it were super fun.  We got to visit family and some dear friends.  We spent a day at the Great Wolf Lodge.  And I've been able to listen to a ton of books on my TBR list.

But I am glad to be here now.  We will spend the next few weeks trying to find a house and setteling into our new life.  I don't know anything at all about the south, so this will be a new experience for me.  Anyone from down here?  I'd love to know anything awesome I can do with the boys to keep them entertained while we live in the hotel here.

I have been so unproductive here on the blog this week.  I had great plans but after driving all day, I just didn't have the umph to do much of anything.  I will do my best to get the free printables up that I missed as part of the 30 days of free printables series, but please bare with me.  It may take a few as we try to settle into some type of routine.

I can see that you guys have been super productive though.  You had me salivating and wanting to decorate as I looked through the posts from last week's Dare to Share.  I will definitely be pinning a bunch of those and adding them to my "To Do" list as soon as I can, but I'm getting super excited about all the Patriotic decorations and treats that you shared.

If you missed them, check out these 3 Patriotic Decorations from last week's Dare to Share party as this week's linky party's features.

'Merica Love Tee by Busy Being Jennifer

Country Fair Inspired Tablescape by Gluesticks

I'm not the only one who is starting off on a new foot.  My friend and co-host Pam from Pam's Party and Practical Tips is enjoying summer vacation starting.  She ended the school year with some great fun and family traditions with her kids.

It's always fun to check out other people's family traditions for me.  My kids are getting older now and it's hard to start new ones, but it's fun to try new things and see what the kids love.  If you are looking for some great ideas, check out Pam's End of the School Year Tradition and pin it for next year!

I can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!

Don't miss your free Patriotic party printable:

Watermelon Straw Flag Printables

Add a little bit of extra summer fun to your drink today with this Watermelon straw tag.  This free printable is a quick and easy way to add some pizzazz to your summer picnic party, watermelon party, or lemonade fun.
Add a little bit of extra summer fun to your drink today with this Watermelon straw tag.  This free printable is a quick and easy way to add some pizzazz to your summer picnic party, watermelon party, or lemonade fun.

We are on the road right now enjoying the "Great American Move Trip".  I am a little behind in my posting for the 30 days of summer free printables, but I ended up forgetting my computer charger at one of our stops and have been without a computer for a few days while trying to get a new one.

Probably not a good start to the trip, but hey, we are going to embrace the fun of summer and just go with the flow.  As soon as I get a chance (not today, because hey, we are going to the Great Wolf Lodge in Dallas for some summer fun) I'll get my rear in gear and get those past freebies up.

In the meantime, enjoy a summer drink today on me and be sure to add this simple but fun watermelon straw flag.  It's a quick and easy way to dress up your summer drinks and add a little bit of fun and whimsy to your watermelon party or backyard picnic.

3 Frozen Treats and Dare to Share Saturday

I'm in Texas this week and enjoying time with my family before heading out to South Carolina.  I guess that means summer is in full swing, because it is super hot here.  I guess that's good because it is drying up all the water all over town that has caused so much flooding, and it gets everyone in the mood for summer for our 30 days of summer free printable series.

But it's still so darn hot.  So I guess it's good that you guys shared so many frozen treats last week.  If you missed them, be sure to check out these 3 frozen treats as part of this week's Dare to Share Features.

Homemade Ice Cream in a Can by Home Cooking Memories

Frozen Pink Lemonade by Logan Can

Gummy Worm Popsicles by Growing Up Gabel

I can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!